Welcome to NADASA

NADASA is made up of different services across the county working together to support adults and children who risk or have experienced domestic or sexual abuse.

We believe that every adult and child has the right to live without fear and violence, to be safe wherever they are and free from intimidation and control


Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence and abuse is when someone is experiencing controlling and threatening behaviour and/or violence from a partner, ex partner or a family member. This definition includes Honour Based Violence (HBV), Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation.

If you think you or someone else are a victim of domestic abuse there are services that can help. To see your options click here

To make a Referral to MARAC use this link:  DASH/Marac form


Sexual Violence

Sexual violence and abuse is any sexual act or attempted act that is unwanted by the victim (i.e. without consent). If you think you or someone else are a victim of sexual violence there are services that can help, click here for more information.

CONSENT! What does it mean? Have a look at this video.


Practitioners Area

For professionals who come into contact with adults and children affected by domestic or sexual abuse:

Domestic Abuse Toolkit – includes identification, assessment, safety planning, specialist services, templates you can use

Practitioner Training

Practitioner Jobs

To make a Referral to MARAC use this link:  DASH/Marac form