Keeping you safe

There are a number of things that you can do to increase your own safety and the safety of your children, but do remember that perpetrators of domestic abuse can be volatile and dangerous so make sure that you have an exit strategy in place.

Here are some things you can do to try to increase your safety

  • If an argument starts, try to position yourself near an exit and avoid rooms where you could be at higher risk such as the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Have emergency numbers and important contacts to hand where you can get to them easily.
  • If you have children, go through the exit routes with them at home in case of emergency and teach them how and when to use 999.
  • Pack an overnight bag and leave it with a friend or with family.
  • If you feel able, talk to a neighbour you trust and ask them to contact the police if they hear a disturbance in your home.
  • Make a plan in case you need to leave. Where could you go, how will you get there, what do you need to take with you?

For information on Safety Planning – follow this link

Exit Strategy

Choosing to leave is never an easy decision and in many cases people leave without the opportunity to plan what they will do. If you are able make plans for leaving, even if you feel this may not happen or that the abuse is not that serious. If you work on an exit strategy then you’ll know what to do to keep yourself and your family safe should you need to.

Where will you go?
Remember, there are refuge services that can help you if you can’t or don’t want to go to friends or family.
For information on refuges contact Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service (NDAS) on 0300 0120 154

You can also contact eve who take direct referrals to their Women’s Refuge in Northamptonshire.
Vacancies will be advertised through Roots to Support at and eve will take referrals from professionals, self-referrals, friends and family on their phone number: 01604 230311.

Please call eve for information, advice and guidance regarding any domestic violence or abuse support needs, including:

  • Access to a safe and secure women’s refuge
  • Telephone support
  • Information about domestic violence and abuse
  • Support to access help

How will you get there?
If you plan to go to a family member or friend, will you need money for transport.

What will you take with you?
If you are thinking about leaving here are some items that you should to take with you

  • Money, Bankbooks, Credit Cards
  • Benefit Books
  • ID – Birth Certificates
  • Keys – House/Car/Office
  • Passports/Visas
  • Driving License and Registration documents
  • Medication
  • Mortgage documents/Rent book
  • Insurance documents
  • Address Book
  • Toiletries
  • Bottle, milk, nappies and favourite toys for kids
  • Spare clothes
  • Items of personal value